Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday Nonsense

It's a hot tuesday evening and here I am lounging in my jammies, which I've been in since last night. Spent my day sending out my resume; begging people to provide me with an income. Had inane conversations with several people online and played agony aunt to young Adhishree. I do miss the torturous years of adolescence with all it's drama and angsty poetry. Growing pains!

Well, as the evening went by, I picked up my Stephen Fry and fell into fits of laughter. Wonder what he's doing right now...probably "jacking into the mattress" in some part of London. Brit humour is something precious. Wonderfully crass. Filthy and funny. I wonder what it would be like to romance someone like Stephen Fry. Definitely, interesting!

Incubus plays on a loop on my itunes. I shut my eyes, and I can feel the ocean breeze on my face, the smell of the sea assaulting my nose, the wet sand squishing between my toes. Black velvet with little diamonds sparkling. Phantom arms around my waist, hot breath fanning the side of my face...

The world's a roller coaster
And I am not strapped in
Maybe I should hold with care
But my hands are busy in the air saying:

I wish you were here
I wish you were

Goa is calling. Must go. Soon.

Dinner awaits and the father yells. I miss the mummy. Things are so much nicer and calmer when she's around. Don't think I'll be encouraging any more of her 2-3 week trips.

Will probably end the day with some smutty fanfiction. Hmm...finally something to look forward to ;)


  1. Thank you for making me feel better :) It really helped.
    Oh and,nice job on the first blog entry! This was good and worth reading. Plus, I like your 'About Me'.
    More comments will follow, all your blog posts.
    You HAVE been warned. I'm a certified stalker.

  2. Definitely a nice read.....entertaining for sure...pls continue writing the sagas of your daily life......:-)

  3. Keep writing, Dro. I'm looking forward to some illicit entries which are usually restricted between the both of us to leak out into this domain.
