Monday, March 8, 2010

Fashion, Sushi and A high state of mind

Woke up Friday morning. Have to go for the Lakme Fashion Week. What on earth do I wear? My cupboard resembles a war zone. I finally decide that Indian would do best. Who is going to bother competing with all that Gucci, Prada and Yves Saint Laurent! I spray my Nina Ricci and I'm out of the house. As usual running late. Half way to the Hyatt the damn rickshaw breaks down. My luck amuses me. I run; can feel my bottom jiggle, jump into another rickshaw and am on my way again. I'm already feeling like Ugly Betty. Surprisingly I reach only 5 minutes late. Rush into Chanthara's arm and the both of us, arms linked, walk to the 3rd show of the 1st day of the Lakme Fashion Week. We walk through hordes of women carrying Louis Vuitton, donning Versace and Gucci eyewear. A Jimmy Choo goes tik-tok-ing away. I do a double take. I feel like I'm in a zoo. So many things to look at. Oh and let's admit, I was quite intimidated too.

The show finally begins. I'm watching the models walk the ramp and suddenly I have another image in my head; that of people walking at Churchgate Station. I kid you not, it's the same look. The "I'm so bloody bored...Work sucks the life out of me...I didn't get any last night...another day of sucking up...what time is the next train?!" look. My hands are itching, wishing I had my camera with me. I think I'd really like to be up on that media podium someday. Show is over in 15 minutes. We walk out hoping we can get some booze off our passes. We don't find the damn effing lounge; so crankily we decide to take a walk around the hotel and then we come by a magnificent sight. KABIR fuckin BEDI is standing right by the elevators with a group of people including his daughter Pooja. Oh and is he a sight! I stopped right there and gawked at him like a 4 year old child who has just seen her first lollipop (no pun intended)!! I'd marry him in a second. That's all it would take. Sigh! Waited till he left the hotel and then followed him out. Gawking continues until a freaky huge white Yeti bumps into me and I almost let out a bloodcurdling scream, but instead I jumped back and my foot smashed into a nice pair of heels. Oh lord please forgive me...I might've just maimed a Manolo or a Choo. I apologised profusely and skedaddled away from there. Phew!

The evening was spent on Aarya's roof. Nic and Aarya watched the satellites while I flew. Armadillos were the topic of discussion. I felt like I was sitting in space, and there was this voice (the Nic drone) spouting off Did You Knows. It was amusing, interesting and well, I felt a little smarter in the end. Though I highly doubt I remember any of it now.

Saturday night dinner at Global Fusion. My first experience with Sushi and it was fabulous. I absolutely loved it. That divineness was followed by another flying session, on Nic's roof this time. Conversation flowed, the moon rose, we laughed, we inhaled, mosquitoes attacked, the moon rose some more, discussion turned to sex and I apparently pointed out how even picking my nose could be a sexual gesture to someone out there! Huh?!

Sunday afternoon, I find myself standing on a road in Dahisar. Everytime a car, truck, bus, bike pass by, I'm covered with an inch of dust. The bus that will deliver me to my doorstep refuses to show up, so I finally take a rickshaw home. Feels like I'm in another city. I thought Goregaon was far...try Dahisar! ( VVS...It's a trip you must take)

At six pm, I'm on a train, heading to Bandra; late again. The man to my left keeps squishing closer. My hands are literally all over my chest, protecting my bosoms from being pinched. Thankfully the seat opposite me is vacated and I plop my ass on it. I glance up at the 'squisher' and he actually looks disappointed. Haha! Take that dipshit! Madness descends as Bandra station comes into view. I'm getting off the train, but my hand is stuck between people. As I try to grab my hand away, I feel my beautiful Goa ring slip off my finger. My heart stops. I can feel tears pricking my eyes, feeling the loss of the ring that has seen me through so much. I wait for everyone to get off. Praying that it's not fallen on the tracks, I look into the train, and there it is...lying next to the pole. In seconds my hand reaches out and grabs 'my preciousssss' and I am happy again. Close call.

The rest of the evening was spent in dance practice for Chanthara's sangeet, a nice little gossip session with Ism and Sukhi, making next Sunday plans with Simzaa, and an auto ride with Nic and the Waarya. All in all, it was a weekend well spent. A break from lazying at home, reading fanfiction, pigging out and indulging in naughty fantasies.

Monday morning shall be spent, blurry eyed, watching the Oscars. A tradition that cannot be broken...which would've certainly been broken had Sukhi and Ism not reminded me. Sacrebleu!


  1. WHOA!
    That IS long.
    Sushi was awesome and so was the 'flying' session as you call it :)

  2. Great post...I could actually see the churchgate madness, lack of swift and regular BEST bus service and the naughty whims of creepy passengers on Bombay trains unfurl in front of my eyes. And yes, Kabir fuking Bedi is delectable though what surprises me is how could some one like him make a thing like pooja!
