Monday, October 11, 2010

Felix Felicis

Yesterday was apparently the luckiest day of the century. Couples ran off to get married so they could have a happy and 'lucky' marriage. Women scheduled C sections to bring their bundles of joy into this world so that they could be the 'luckiest' sonsuvbeeches on the planet. And lots of guys proposed to their girlfriends, hoping their luck would bring them a squealing "Oh my God, yes, yes a million times yes!!" And I...sat at home, with a friend and made a list of all the things we wanted to do, hoping that this day's luck would sprinkle some of it's magic on this list and all the things on this said list would actually happen. Guess now that the lucky day is over, we can only sit back and watch the magic takes its course.

It's a matter of believing, after all, isn't it? And belief is one of those things that can never be constant. Our beliefs change everyday, and we aren't even aware of it most of the time. When my friend walked into my house, and I told her about this 'luckiest day' dribble, we both laughed about it and asked, "who actually believes in this crap?" A few minutes later, after we dissected our lives and realized how nothing was going the way we wanted it to, we decided that maybe all we need is a little luck. A tiny little vial of felix felicis. By the time we finished writing that list, the both of us were feeling lighter, happier, hopeful and dare I say so, lucky!

This is why I find the human race completely fascinating. We always find a way to make ourselves feel better; at least most of us do. We lose our jobs, and drown our sorrows in alcohol and a good friend's company, behave like total morons and wake up with a hangover, and yet find that all is right with the world again. We break up with our lovers, and go on a little rebound ride. We feel lost and confused, and make lists, plans and promises. And we find doors to temporary happiness. A few days later, we're back to being miserable and the cycle starts all over again. And that's what makes me realize that even the most cynical of us are hopeful, a wee bit optimistic and just looking for happiness.

We do make the choices and ultimately make our own destiny, but a lucky penny never did any harm. If anything, having that lucky penny in your pocket would probably give you the courage to make the choice you are petrified of making. And in the end when you are basking in the glory of that right choice, you remember the lucky penny, or you don't, but it did serve it's purpose.

Luck, I think, is just one of the emotions. Like happiness, anger, jealousy, passion, love, apprehension and fear, luck is something we feel, we anticipate and we act on. I, for one, feel abso-fuckin-lutely lucky right now, because the first thing on my lucky list written on the luckiest day of the century was 'Write Blog', and I've done it! After months of having nothing to write about, of having no motivation, of just watching every day go by, I have finally written. And I feel like I'm high on some good ol' felix felicis!!