Wednesday, May 18, 2011

To my Prity boy!

Another year. Another birthday. Time flows. I still miss you.

Every year on this day, I invariably go back to that table at the Barista near Sterling and replay the conversations we had. While we sipped on our coffee, we'd discuss the exciting gossip from Hyderabad, reminisce our days in Vidyaranya and dream of the days to come and the promises the future held, and mostly we'd laugh...a lot!

You were an excellent friend, a great support system and a bundle of love while we were in school. And the gods know how much we needed that back in that crazy school with the crazy melodrama. Those were good days though, weren't they?! Most of the time, at least. The parties, the lunches, the sneak-smoking, the bitching sessions, the growing up- I remember you through it all.

But there are still times, that I have to try hard to remember things we did together, and I battle my weak memory to bring to surface all the memories with you in them. It's like a hungry person trying to eat all they can so they don't have to go another day without food. But I know that even if the memories are lost, the one thing I'll never forget is YOU, and the person you were and the happiness you brought me.

You were a star, an amazing friend, a brilliant chef (even though I didn't get to sample your food, I heard a lot about it), and full of promise. I love you, and miss you, and always will.

Happy Birthday Pritish.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

We are all made of Stars!

It's been five months and I can still remember how I felt on the last day of 2010. I was hopeful, a bit anxious, still a romantic, still the dreamer, and determined to be happy. 2011 held a lot of promise...and it hasn't let me down (knocking furiously on every available wooden surface).

I now have random people all over India hearing my voice on their phones. I have a new musical partner who writes while I sing. I am now good at something new- and can get jobs as a Radio Mic Technician (ahem!) I have made new fantastic friends who I love to the core. And I've successfully fallen in love as well (it's another story that I might have to fall out of it soon).
It's been a good five months, full of new experiences, love, laughter and fun.

It's been a week and a half since I got back from my month long shoot in Madhya Pradesh. The lull and boredom is almost unbearable, which is shocking, because those who know me know that I can be cooped up in my room for days and not get bored.

Waking up at 4.30 am, on my feet till 7.30, and in bed by 10.30 was something I've never done before. And what a rush that was. I was living on adrenaline that entire month. Even though the sun was unbearable, and we all fell sick at some point, even then there was something in the running around and getting the job done. And with a job like mine, really, who would complain. There I was, getting up-close-and-personal with the actors. Micing actors is one of the coolest jobs I've ever done. All I can keep thinking right now is...Who would've thought I'd be micing Josh-fuckin-hartnett one day. I is a man I crushed on all through my teenage years. Who would've thought?!!! And ever since I can remember I've wanted to be part of a period film...and there you go, did that as well! It's bizarre how things happen, and happen when you really really need them to happen.

I learnt so much, had the best of teachers who were kind and patient and encouraging. I met people who I now call friends, who are some of the most fantastic, interesting, fun people I've ever met. I found another soul sista who I can pour my soul out to. I partied at the fort, and gorged on the best bloody mary ever! I saw true movie magic in the making, and now every time I watch a movie I can imagine where the camera is and how it's moving. I realized the importance of sunscreen and hats. I have a new found respect for hard work and people who indulge in hard work on a regular basis. And my faith in having dreams has been reinforced even more. I left a piece of my heart on that shoot and with that crew. It was my first movie, and it's an experience I'll cherish for as long as I will live.

All that I can hope for now is that I get an opportunity like this again and again and again. I want to meet more people, I want to fall in love a little more (you see, no matter how much I complain about that crazy little thing called love, I can't help but be in love!), I want to learn lots more, I want to see more and feel more, and I want to BE more.